Posted: 19/06/2024

10 Steps to Become A More Sustainable Business

Holly Astbury, MSc Health & Wellbeing

In a world increasingly concerned about environmental and social impacts, the role of businesses in sustainability has never been more critical. Adopting sustainable practices isn't just about reducing your carbon footprint; it's also about creating long-term value, mitigating risks and contributing positively to society. Whether you're a small startup or a large corporation, here are some steps you can take to become a sustainable organisation:


1. Assess your impact

Undertake an environmental audit of your business operations. Identify where your company is generating waste, consuming excessive resources or contributing to pollution. This could include energy usage, water consumption, waste generation, carbon emissions and supply chain practices.


2. Set Clear Goals 

Once you understand your current impact, set SMART sustainability objectives. These goals could focus on reducing energy consumption, minimising waste generation, sourcing sustainable materials or supporting community initiatives. Make sure these goals align with your company's values, mission and long-term vision.


3. Make a Start 

Start integrating sustainable practices into every aspect of your business. This could involve investing in energy-efficient technologies, implementing recycling and waste reduction programs, adopting sustainable procurement policies and optimising transportation and logistics to minimise carbon emissions. We know this will differ hugely by business, so don’t be afraid to reach out to peers within your industry to see how they’re implementing sustainable practices into their business operations. 


4. Engage Your Employees

Your employees are key stakeholders in your sustainability journey. Educate and empower them to embrace sustainability practices both at work and in their personal lives. Encourage them to come up with innovative ideas for reducing waste, conserving resources, and promoting sustainability within the organization. A sustainability committee could be a good way to do this within your organisation. 


5. Collaborate with Suppliers and Partners

Work closely with your suppliers and business partners to promote sustainability across your value chain. Encourage them to adopt sustainable practices, source responsibly, and minimise environmental and social impacts. Consider establishing criteria for selecting suppliers based on their sustainability performance.


6. Measure and Monitor Progress

Regularly monitor and measure your sustainability performance against the goals you've set. Use key performance indicators (KPIs) to track metrics, such as energy consumption, carbon emissions, waste diversion rates, and social impact indicators.


7. Communicate Transparently 

Share your sustainability journey with your stakeholders, including customers, investors, employees, and the broader community. Be transparent about your goals, progress, and challenges. Use various communication channels such as your website, social media, annual reports and marketing materials to showcase your commitment to sustainability. And try to make it as visual and easy-to-understand as possible! 


8. Innovate and Adapt

Continuously innovate and adapt your sustainability initiatives to stay ahead of evolving environmental and social challenges. Keep abreast of emerging technologies, best practices, and regulatory requirements in sustainability. 


9. Celebrate Successes (and learn from failures!)

Celebrate milestones and successes along your sustainability journey to inspire and motivate your team. Recognise and reward individuals and teams who contribute to your sustainability goals. At the same time, learn from failures and setbacks, and use them as opportunities for improvement.


10. Advocate for Change

Be an advocate for sustainability not only within your organisation, but also in your industry and community. Participate in industry associations, forums, and initiatives focused on sustainability. Engage with policymakers and advocate for regulations and policies that support sustainable practices and a transition to a low-carbon economy. Sharing is caring when it comes to sustainability. After all, we only have one planet!


By following these steps, you can transform your business into a sustainable enterprise that not only minimises its environmental and social footprint, but also creates value for all stakeholders in the long run. Remember, sustainability is a journey, and every small step you take today can make a significant difference tomorrow.


Understand how your business can become more ecologically sustainable with our 30-minute Environmental Awareness course

Written by Holly Astbury, MSc Health & Wellbeing

Holly is a workplace wellbeing expert with a passion for helping people and organisations to thrive. She holds a Master's degree in Health and Wellbeing and has a special interest in workplace culture and positive psychology. As well as her work with onTap Training, Holly also works with the mental health charity, Mind, where she supports businesses in the community with their workplace wellbeing. Holly believes that the wellbeing of employees is integral to business success, not just a ‘nice to have’.