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Workstation Risk Review

This course is to be taken after completing the Display Screen Equipment (DSE) course. It allows the user to complete a DSE risk assessment of their current workstation which will be emailed directly to their line manager. 

  • Duration: 30mins
  • 6 Sections

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This DSE Workstation Risk Review is designed to:

  • Identify risks with your workstation set up
  • Highlight areas for improvement
  • Alert line managers to issues with employee's workstations

Did you know?

"By law, employers must carry out a DSE workstation assessment and take steps to reduce risks to DSE users."

Health and Safety Executive

Workstation Risk Review Details

Duration: 30mins
6 Sections
Certificate: No

Who is this Workstation Risk Review for?

This DSE Workstation Risk Review is aimed at all employees who use display screen equipment in the workplace. The Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment Regulations apply to workers who use DSE daily, for continuous periods of an hour or more.

What is covered in this Workstation Risk Review

  • User Comfort
  • Screen
  • Keyboard
  • Desk
  • Chair
  • Workplace

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