Posted: 10/10/2023

The Lowdown on Sleep and Workplace Happiness

Holly Astbury, MSc Health & Wellbeing

In the hustle and bustle of our work routines, the significance of a good night's sleep often slips through the cracks. Yet, the effects of quality sleep on our professional wellbeing are nothing short of remarkable. Today, we'll explore the profound influence of sleep on our work lives and share some practical tips to help you enhance your sleep quality. 

So, why does sleep hold the key to workplace wellbeing?

Cognitive Empowerment:

Quality sleep serves as a vital fuel for our cognitive functions. It sharpens our problem-solving abilities, decision-making skills, and boosts overall creativity—an invaluable asset in the professional realm.

Emotional Resilience:

A well-rested mind is better equipped to navigate the emotional challenges of the workplace. Stress management becomes more attainable, fostering a positive and resilient outlook.

Productivity Surge:

Lack of sleep can be a roadblock to productivity, resulting in sluggishness and increased likelihood of errors. Conversely, a well-rested individual is more efficient, making fewer mistakes and delivering tasks with precision.


With the benefits of getting a good night's rest evidently clear, how do you set yourself up for a restful night? 

Keep a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Establishing a regular bedtime and wake-up time helps regulate your body's internal clock, promoting a more restful sleep.

Implement a 'Wind-Down' Routine:

Engaging in calming activities before bedtime signals to your body that it's time to unwind. Consider reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing relaxation techniques.

Create the Optimal Sleep Environment:

Ensure your sleep space is conducive to rest by keeping it dark, quiet, and cool. Investing in a comfortable mattress and pillows can make a significant difference.

Reduce your Screen Time:

Limit exposure to electronic devices before bedtime to mitigate the disruptive effects of blue light on your sleep-wake cycle.

Holistic Workplace Wellbeing:

Our commitment to your wellbeing goes beyond sleep. Explore a comprehensive approach to health with onTap Training's Health and Wellbeing course. Covering nutrition, exercise, stress management, and, of course, the importance of quality sleep, this course equips you with the tools to cultivate a healthier work-life balance.

Written by Holly Astbury, MSc Health & Wellbeing

Holly is a workplace wellbeing expert with a passion for helping people and organisations to thrive. She holds a Master's degree in Health and Wellbeing and has a special interest in workplace culture and positive psychology. As well as her work with onTap Training, Holly also works with the mental health charity, Mind, where she supports businesses in the community with their workplace wellbeing. Holly believes that the wellbeing of employees is integral to business success, not just a ‘nice to have’.