Posted: 01/03/2024

Boost Workplace Productivity with Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing

Holly Astbury, MSc Health & Wellbeing

With 1st March being recognised within the UK as National Employee Appreciation Day, we’re taking a look at the impact that positive mental health and wellbeing can have on your employees, and how you can put this at the forefront of your People strategy to create an employee-focused workplace culture. 

Statistics show that positive mental health and wellbeing in the workplace is not only beneficial for employees, but it also has a significant impact on overall productivity and success of organisations. 

The CIPD states that ‘investing in employee wellbeing can lead to increased resilience, better employee engagement, reduced sickness absence and higher performance and productivity. However, wellbeing initiatives often fall short of their potential because they stand alone, isolated from the everyday business. To gain real benefit, employee wellbeing priorities must be integrated throughout an organisation, embedded in its culture, leadership and people management.’

In this blog article, we explore the positive effects of mental wellness in the workplace and provide three practical tips to help implement it within your business:


1. Encourage Open Conversations

Creating an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing their mental health concerns is vital. Encourage open dialogue by fostering a culture of understanding and empathy. Consider implementing periodic check-ins, team-building sessions, or lunchtime activities focused on mental wellbeing. 

Senior leaders can set the tone by sharing personal stories or experiences related to mental health, destigmatising the topic and encouraging others to do the same. Regularly seeking input and feedback through anonymous surveys can also help identify areas of improvement while maintaining confidentiality. The b-Heard Best Companies survey is a great option to explore, if you haven’t already implemented this within your business:


2. Promote Work-Life Balance

Striking a healthy work-life balance is crucial for maintaining positive mental health. In a recent Deloitte survey, 84% of respondents said that improving their wellbeing is a top priority this year, so it’s crucial employees feel they have a flexible work-life balance.

Provide employees with the flexibility to manage their work schedules efficiently. Encourage them to take regular breaks, nourish relationships outside of work, and engage in physical activities or hobbies. Introduce policies such as remote working, flexible hours, or mental health days to support employees in prioritising their personal wellbeing. By valuing work-life balance, you not only help foster resilience and prevent burnout but also enhance overall job satisfaction and dedication.


3. Invest in Employee Development

Supporting employees' personal and professional growth is instrumental in cultivating positive mental health and wellbeing. Offer various development opportunities, such as workshops, training sessions and mentoring programs. 

Encourage continuous learning by providing resources for self-improvement, whether it's in the form of books, online courses, or subscriptions to relevant platforms. Recognise and celebrate employees' achievements, milestones, and contributions to boost their motivation and self-esteem. A culture of growth and learning not only improves mental health but also creates a sense of purpose and fulfillment within the workplace.

Here at onTap, all of our courses are only 30-minutes long and provide employees with a certification once they have been completed, fostering a sense of accomplishment and continuous development. Sign up today for a free demo or get in touch with us to find out more.


In Summary…

Prioritising positive mental health and wellbeing in the workplace has tangible benefits for both employees and organisations. It’s no longer a ‘nice-to-have’, but a ‘must-have’ within workplaces. By fostering open dialogue, promoting work-life balance, and investing in employee development, you can create an environment that supports and uplifts your workforce. 

Remember, a happy and mentally healthy workforce is more likely to be engaged, productive, and contribute to the overall success of your business. 


For more advice & resources: 

Head over to the Mental Health At Work website for plenty of tools, resources, and inspirational stories:

Visit the CIPD website for factsheets and advice on Wellbeing at Work:

Written by Holly Astbury, MSc Health & Wellbeing

Holly is a workplace wellbeing expert with a passion for helping people and organisations to thrive. She holds a Master's degree in Health and Wellbeing and has a special interest in workplace culture and positive psychology. As well as her work with onTap Training, Holly also works with the mental health charity, Mind, where she supports businesses in the community with their workplace wellbeing. Holly believes that the wellbeing of employees is integral to business success, not just a ‘nice to have’.